Antenna for Social Innovation

Faculty and Research

Antenna for Social Innovation


Social innovation has an essential part to play in overcoming the current and/or long-term social and environmental challenges. Social innovation brings new strategies, actions and projects which look to a future in which priority is given to the communal over the individual, where social impact is the principal objective, and personal gain is always a consequence of what has first been constructed collectively. Its objective is to transform and its priority is to respond to shared social challenges.​

At the Institute for Social Innovation we set out to spread knowledge about social innovation and to help promote transformation for the common good and social justice. Through the Antenna for Social Innovation, we expand awareness of social innovation and highlight the initiatives undertaken by many actors and sectors that contribute to the search for solutions to social and environmental challenges, in order to provide a response with a high social impact. This antenna is receptive to the most promising signals from those who are at the vanguard of innovation for social transformation.​

