Gender Equality Standards for AHMSSBL institutions throughout Europe

The EQUAL4EUROPE consortium consists of six Research Performing Institutions (RPI), one international association of universities and one consultancy bureau who all have a clear focus on arts, humanities, medicine, social sciences, business and law (AHMSSBL). Whereas in the past, gender equality was especially recognized as an issue by science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) RPIs, it is now also recognised by AHMSSBL institutions. However, information for this type of institution is not yet widely available.

The main aim of the EQUAL4EUROPE consortium is to contribute to increased gender equality in the European Research Area (ERA). In order to achieve this main aim, we have set the following specific objectives:

Increase gender-awareness at the organisational level. Several activities will be performed to increase gender awareness, such as workshops, training and continuous communication. All levels will be addressed, including students, administrative staff, research and teaching staff, middle management and highest management.

Engage relevant actors and stakeholders from across the spectrum of gender equality seeking organisations in Europe. There are several organisations, associations, boards, and even individuals who are experts in the topic/field and can help with generating best practices and insights to implement gender equality in academic/research organisations. Existing projects will be contacted to engage in knowledge exchange and to learn from best practices.

Develop and implement tailored Gender Equality Plans (GEPs). Each participating, research performing institute will develop a tailored GEP based on an in-depth assessment of the current situation, entailing a variety of measures that fit the specific context and respond to well identified areas in need of action. A participatory approach will be used. Each participating institute will then implement the developed GEP, involving all relevant stakeholders to increase gender equality within their institute and make a sustainable cultural and institutional change.

Monitor and evaluate the impact and results of the implemented GEPs. A methodology will be devised for impartially evaluating the progress made on gender equality plans throughout the duration of this EQUAL4EUROPE project. The methodology for the evaluation should be thought of as formative, helping the consortium partners to adapt their GEP’s as necessary at the end of the EQUAL4EUROPE project; also, a summative evaluation will be executed. To ensure that these GEPs are not just ‘paper realities’ the EQUAL4EUROPE project partner PNO will be dedicated to monitoring the implementation of the plans and the evaluation of the effects.

Foster and promote knowledge exchange. Within the consortium and with stakeholders from outside the consortium the lessons learnt will be shared. This includes establishing best practices and recommendations for other AHMSSBL institutions. It also includes the efforts of the network organizations to investigate whether they can include the EQUAL4EUROPE project results in their accreditation framework and standards.

Create a European network for research institutions GE officers. The development of a network specifically for GE officers from universities, where they can share best practices and tips-and-tricks. This should be a practical and easy to access network, supported by an online platform.