
The following groups have access to the Library:

  • Faculty, students and staff of Esade.
  • Students, faculty and staff of Universitat ramon Llull institutions.
  • Members of Esade Alumni.
  • Members of other universities participating CSUC (may also access the Library except during exam periods or periods of maximum use). See the opening hours page for the most recent information.

estudiantes en la biblioteca

Library rules

Article 1: Access

Access to the Esade Library is restricted to members of the Universitat Ramon Llull community and Esade Alumni as well as others who have received express authorisation whether as individuals or as members of a given institution.

Members of other universities participating in the Catalan Consortium of University Services (Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya, CSUC) may also access the Library except during exam periods or periods of maximum use. See the opening hours page for the most recent information.

Those wishing to enter the Library must show (upon request by Library staff) a currently valid ID card from Esade, Universitat Ramon Llull, Esade Alumni or CSUC university. No other type of ID shall be considered valid for this purpose.

Your ID card is personal and non-transferable. People who do not have a currently valid ID card from their corresponding institution or who do not have it on hand to show upon request by Library staff will be asked to leave the Library immediately.

Article 2: General rules

The Library has to ensure that it creates the appropriate environment in which to work and that its facilities and resources are adequately used.  

For this reason, Library patrons may not:

  • Eat in the Library or bring in drinks which may spill (glasses, cans, etc.).
  • Show disrespect towards other Library users or personnel.
  • Damage Library documents, equipment or facilities.
  • Handle computer cables (unplug them, disconnect computers from the network, etc.).
  • Take any documents from the Library (regardless of their format or type) that have not been duly accounted for via the loan service.
  • Remove any Library document not included as part of the loan service (red-tag books, journals, academic projects, etc.).
  • Fail to carry out the conditions established in the loan regulations.
  • Fail to comply with currently valid norms regarding intellectual property rights, specifically in terms of reproduction limits and the distribution of copies of texts subject to copyright laws.
  • Fail to comply with the legal conditions of the online resources to which the Library has subscribed, for example, that said resources may only be accessed for personal study and research and without any commercial ends.
  • Reserve library seats for later use

Library users are also required to show Library personnel their bags, backpacks and folders as requested by staff should the antitheft alarm sound.

Article 3: Computers

The purpose of the computers is to consult the information sources needed to carry out work or research. The Library reserves the right to limit their use for other ends (individual papers, e-mail, social networks, etc.).

Article 4: Non-compliance with these rules

Anyone failing to comply with these rules will be asked to leave immediately after receiving an initial warning from the staff.

Repeated violations of these norms as well as any other severe infraction or behaviour not specified above but which is deemed harmful for the Library or its users may imply the expulsion of the person responsible and prohibition from using the Library’s services for a proportional period of time. At the same time, the Library shall duly inform the corresponding university programme or school office so that they may take whatever measures they see fit.

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