Attitude polarisation in Spain: ideological groups at loggerheads

Lluís Orriols
25 Mar, 2021

Attitude polarisation (defined as the emotional gap between a person’s affection for others with the same political ideologies and their rejection of those with different opinions) negatively impacts the smooth running of our democracies because it:

  • impairs cooperation between citizens
  • affects trust in institutions
  • reduces the legitimacy of governments
  • causes mistrust and rejection among political adversaries and can even bring institutions to a halt.

Ultimately, attitude polarisation creates a climate of opinion that facilitates poor governance.

Attitude polarisation in Spain today is greater than two decades ago: the difference in the likelihood of voting for the party actually voted for and other parties (weighted by size) has increased by 50% (from 5.3 to 7.8 on a scale of 1 to 10).

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