In the media, ” Everything you should know about PISA 2022 on equity”: RTVE, El País, ABC, El Confidencial ….

13 Dec, 2023

Lucia Cobreros and Lucas Gortazar together with Save the Children Spain made a diagnosis of equal opportunities in our educational system based on the results of the PISA test. In this post we leave you a summary of their main contributions in the media:

  • The article by Javier Jorrín for El Confidencial collects the conclusions of the study highlighting one of the key data: with the same grades, a student from a disadvantaged background is almost 4 times more likely to repeat than one from a high socioeconomic level.
  • The authors studied how school segregation of migrant origin changes according to the autonomous community, an analysis included in a piece by Olga R. Sanmartín for El Mundo, which counts with the participation of Lucas Gortazar.
  • In El País the article by Ignacio Zafra extracts the key points of the study and highlights the differences in educational results according to the socioeconomic level and gender of the students. Lucia Cobreros, author of the report, also contributes to the article.
  • La Cadena Ser examines the key points of the study highlighting the high figures of school repetition in Spain compared to the rest of the countries in our environment and how this repetition varies according to the socioeconomic level, origin and gender of the student.
    “Spain is the fourth country in the OECD and the third in the EU where more students have repeated at least once” RTVE analyzes the repetition figures counting with the contributions of Lucia Cobreros on what may be behind the findings of the study.
  • In ABC, Josefina G. Stegmann’s article includes the results of our study on educational equity, focusing on the socioeconomic level and origin of the student body.
  • The study explored how school segregation by migrant origin varies in each autonomous community and the differences in terms of test results and chances of repeating, as reported by Lara Carrasco for Info Libre.
  • Helena López Vallejo’s contribution to El Periódico shows how the gaps in educational results in Spain have tended to remain the same or grow after the pandemic and devotes part of it to the measures that can be taken to change the situation.
  • Our report on educational equity is also echoed in El Correo’s analysis for the Basque Country (by Iñigo Fernández de Lucio).
  • The article by Actualidad Docente includes the key findings of our study, highlighting the evolution of school segregation figures by socioeconomic level in Spain and the autonomous communities.
  • In terms of repetition, in terms of  performance equality, boys are twice as likely to have repeated at 15 years of age than girls, as reported in Europa Press.
  • The gaps in educational results in Spain have tended to remain the same or grow after the pandemic, in La Vanguardia.
  • La redacción de La Voz de Galicia analiza e incluye los resultados de nuestro informe en el siguiente artículo:
  • How does socioeconomic level, gender and student origin influence educational inequality? Elena Omedes explores this question in her article for 20 minutos.
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