Sustainable Business Models - SUSTBUS

Faculty and Research

Sustainable Business Models - SUSTBUS


Module 1: The problem of sustainability

The purpose of this module is to familiarize you with the nature and characteristics of the sustainability problem and what it means for companies and other organizations.

Module 1 · Video 1 - What Is the Problem?

Module 1 · Video 2 - The Footprint of Companies and Other Organizations

Module 1 · Video 3 - Towards Environmental Sustainability

Module 1 · Video 4 - Towards Social Sustainability

Module 1 · Video 5 - Towards Financial Sustainability

Module 1 · Video 6 - The Need for Sustainable Business Models

Module 2: Business Models for Sustainability

The purpose of this module is to illuminate the relationship between business models and sustainability. This implies shedding light on how business models can be designed both to reduce negative externalities and to increase positive externalities.

Module 2 · Video 1 - What is a business model?

Module 2 · Video 2 - Business Models and Externalities

Module 2 · Video 3 - Business Models for Sustainability

Module 2 · Video 4 - Responsibility and Opportunity

Module 2 · Video 5 - Case: The Plastic Bank

Module 3: Circular and Collaborative Business Models

The purpose of this module is to explore circular and collaborative business models, and how they differ from traditional, linear business models. We introduce the concept of the circular economy and circular business models, as well as the role of the access economy and collaborative business models in a circular future.

Module 3 · Video 1 - The Circular Economy

Module 3 · Video 2 - Circular Business Models

Module 3 · Video 3 - The Access Economy

Module 3 · Video 4 - The Collaborative Economy

Module 3 · Video 5 - The Case of Interface

Module 4: Social innovation

The purpose of this module is to show how sustainability can be integrated into business models from a social innovation point of view. To do so, we will present two concrete cases: The Behavioral Insights Team and Bla Bla Car and will analyze them through the lens of social innovation.

Module 4 · Video 1 - Social Innovation

Module 4 · Video 2 - Introduction to the section

Module 4 · Video 3 - The Behavioral Insights Team

Module 4 · Video 4 - Bla Bla Car

Module 5: Strategizing and Organizing for Sustainability

The objective of this module is to present key theoretical concepts in the field of organizing and strategizing for sustainability. The module provides a framework to understand and discuss challenges and opportunities to strategizing and organizing for sustainability. It links theoretical concepts to practice, and the ways in which they can be used in practice.

Module 5 · Video 1 - Organizing and Strategizing for Sustainability

Module 5 · Video 2 - The Value Proposition

Module 5 · Video 3 - The Customer Interface

Module 5 · Video 4 - The Supply Chain

Module 5 · Video 5 - The Financial System

Module 6: Business in a sustainable future

The purpose of this module is to shed light on what business might look like in a sustainable future. It thus builds on the preceding five modules in order to illuminate the kinds of business model innovation that can promote truly sustainable business.

Module 6 · Video 1 - Innovating for Sustainability

Module 6 · Video 2 - A Restart for Sustainable Business Model Innovation

Module 6 · Video 3 - The Business Model Restarter

Module 6 · Video 4 - Orkla and The Future of Consumer Goods

Module 6 · Video 5 - A Sustainable Future