4YFN 2019: Where education meets innovation

Per què Esade va al 4YFN? Una qüestió d’ADN

La innovació i l’emprenedoria formen part del que som, són al nostre ADN. Tots els programes que oferim proporcionen formació i recursos específics per impulsar la capacitat innovadora i creadora dels estudiants. Per portar aquesta formació a un nou estadi i compartir el nostre know-how més enllà de les aules, Esade participa en el 4YFN, la fira d’emprenedoria del Mobile World Congress, en què aportem la nostra tasca com a partner acadèmic, realitzant sessions in situ sobre temes fonamentals per al futur de l’emprenedoria i la innovació.


Programa 2019

Dilluns, 25 de febrer

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9.15h - 11.45h
“Artificial Intelligence”

Master in Business Analytics. (MIBA)
Prof. Marc Torrens (Esade)
Diego Villuendas (Head of Data & Analytics at SEAT)

12.00h - 12.45h
ESADE SPEAKER SERIES: “The Art and Science of Growing ventures”

Roundtable with entrepreneurs moderated by Prof. Jan Brinckmann (Esade)

12:00h - 13:00h
“Autonomous driving show”

SEAT Stand
With Alexander Siebeneich
(Industrial Director at CARNET) and Esade students.

12.45h - 13.30h
ESADE SPEAKER SERIES: “For those about to rock datadriven innovation: what can we learn from music Industry?”

Roundtable with:
• Laia Pujol, Esade Researcher
• Turo Pekari, Teosto Future Lab
• David Osimo, Research Director Lisbon Council
• Yvan Boudillet, Founder at TheLynk

13.30h - 14.15h
Roundtable organized by MBA Entrepreneurship Club and E3
• Moritz Engler (MIE’15) CEO at Inflight Virtual Reality
• Jan Carbonell (TheAcademy.AI)
• Moderated by Prof. Oscar Torres (Esade)

14.30h - 17.00h
LECTURE: “Artificial Intelligence”

Master in Business Analytics. (MIBA)
Prof. Marc Torrens (Esade)
Diego Villuendas (Head of Data & Analytics at SEAT)

15:00h - 15:45h
PANEL DISCUSSION: “The digital mobility: is multimodality a real thing? Who takes the cake?”

Garden StageJavier Rivera, Corporate Strategy Manager SEAT
Oliver Grimm, Head of Multimodal Mobility SEAT
Paulin Dementhon, Founder and CEO Drivy
Mar Pallàs, VP Europe Market DevelopmentScoot Networks
Moderated by Prof. Jonathan Wareham Esade

17.00h - 20.00h
LECTURE: "Programación Avanzada de Web Apps"

Bachelor in Business Administration
Prof. Jordi Tardà (Esade)

Dimarts, 26 de febrer

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LECTURE: “Digital Transformation of the world”

Prof. Alberto Gimeno and Josep Ruano (Esade).

12.00h - 14.00h
PANEL DISCUSSION: “Reinventing Education. Reinventing Esade after 60 years of history”

Ben Nelson. CEO Minerva.
Mark Vernooij. Partner at THNK School of Creative Leadership
Koldo Echebarria. Director General Esade
Moderated by Ivan Bofarull. Director of Global Insights & Strategic Initiatives at Esade

14.00h - 16.00h
ALUMNI MEETING: “The future of management in the AI age”

ESADE Alumni Top Management Network
Prof. Xavier Ferràs. (Esade)

16.00h - 17.00h
ESADE SPEAKER SERIES: “Growing Data-Born companies”

Round table with Philippe Gelis (CEO, Kantox)
Josep María Porra (Business Performance Director, King)
Alessandro Pregnolato (Data Science Lead, Typeform).
Moderated by Prof. Manu Carricano (Esade)

PANEL DISCUSSION: “Digital Transformation”

SEAT stand
Prof. Xavier Ferràs (Esade)
Arantxa Alonso (Executive Managing Director at XMOBA).
Moderated by Oliwia Puppel (Head of Talent Acquisition at SEAT)

18.00h - 19.00h
ESADE SPEAKER SERIES: El jurista tras la Inteligencia Artificial: ¿Qué cambiará con la IA?

Master IT + IP Esade Law School.
Prof. Mario Sol (Esade Law School)

Dimecres, 27 de febrer

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9.15h - 11.00h
LECTURE: “Visualización de información de negocio”

Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA)
Prof. JL. Cano (Esade)

PANEL DISCUSSION: “Refocusing Education”

4YFN EdTech Track
Ben Nelson, CEO of Minerva
Moderator: Ivan Bofarull (Esade)

11.00h - 12.00h
LECTURE: “Innovation & Creativity: Developing New Products through Design Thinking”

Prof. Ivanka Visnjic (Esade)

WORKSHOP: “How to shape the future of our Digital Society”

Prof. Marc Torrens (Esade)

12.00h - 13.00h
PANEL DISCUSSION: “Future Talent for the new Digital World”

Marc Sanz (BBA’11) Head of Education (Sth Europe). Google
Vignesh Anand: Head of Partner Operations, Glovo
Daniel Martos: Recruiter, Travelperk
Oriol Saludes: COO, Kemiex
Moderator: Marc Rovira (MIE’14). Founder, Polaroo
Organized by Esade Careers

13.00h - 14.00h
PANEL DISCUSSION: “The Automotive Digital Factory of the Future”

Prof. Xavier Pujol (Esade)
Francisco Requena (Head of Innovation & Smart Factory at SEAT)

14.00h - 15.00h
LECTURE: “Innovation & Creativity: Developing New Products through Design Thinking”

Prof. Ivanka Visnjic (Esade)

PANEL DISCUSSION: “Natural Language Understanding”

Agora stage
Javier Peman, Public Sector Sales Representative at IBM
Stephen Mallik, CEO of Artie
Maria Perillo, Chief Learning Officer at ABA English
Moderated by Prof Luis Vives (Esade)

16.00h - 19.00h
LECTURE: “Innovation in Marketing. Creativity, New Products and Design”

Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA)
Profs Isa Moll and Jordi Montaña (Esade)

Natural Language Understanding

Panel Reinventing Education. Reinventing Esade after 60 years history

Als mitjans

  • Ruben Jan Van De Water

    Ruben Jan Van De Water

    MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship - 2018

    Penso que és una gran oportunitat per als estudiants d’Esade ser aquí. Perquè poden interaccionar i connectar amb totes les empreses i amb els emprenedors que vénen per aquí per entendre què significa formar part d’aquest ecosistema.

  • Linda Ferstl

    Linda Ferstl

    Executive MBA - 2017

    Traslladar la classe a l’entorn de networking de l’empresa, en comptes de fer venir les empreses al campus ens aporta una perspectiva totalment nova al procés d’aprenentatge.

  • Jordi Llòria

    Jordi Llòria

    Bachelor in Business Administration - 2018

    Al 4YFN, puc veure com és l’ecosistema i conèixer start-ups, inversors i empreses.

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