
The application process starts in October and finishes at the end of April. The online application for the 25/26 academic year intake will be available in September.

Admission requirements

When to apply

The admission process is continuous. The application process starts in October and finishes at the end of March. However, we recommend that you begin the admission process as soon as possible.

Candidates from outside the European Union should also take into account the additional time needed for visa applications.


How to apply

Submit your Application Form

To begin the process, you need to submit your application online. 

Send us the required documentation

· Your University academic record
· Language Aptitude test results (TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC)
· GMAT or GRE score (When taking the exam, please indicate the code of Esade's PhD: GMAT 93M-3K-62, GRE 5761).
· CV
· 2 letters of recommendation
· Photocopy of ID card or passport


Interviews can be made online or face-to-face.

Visiting PhD candidates

Visiting PhD candidates admission to Esade PhD Program

The candidate must have successfully completed at least one academic year in his/her university of origin. At

  • Esade, he/she must work in the same or similar field of study.
  • Visiting candidates should have an Esade faculty member who will act as tutor during his/her stay. Information about research units and faculty can be found at: 
    Research Units
  • Visiting candidates will have a space assigned to them in the PhD candidates’ study area, a student ID, access to the library and the right to participate in general PhD program activities.
  • Visiting candidates are not included in the medical coverage program provided. Candidates must therefore justify that they have a right to said medical coverage or that they have medical insurance in case of accident for the period corresponding to their stay. The latter shall be accredited when formalising registration.
  • Candidates do not have to pay any additional registration fee. There is a fee for officially enrol in courses / seminars.
  • Visiting candidates have the right to attend class and sit exams for the courses in which they have enrolled. They will also receive a document (not a certificate) signed by PhD program management, listing their marks, and credits. If the visiting student does not take said exams, he/she will receive a letter from PhD program management confirming his/her attendance. Those students who will not be at Esade for the full duration of the courses in which they have enrolled may not sit the corresponding exams.

Admission Process

PhD candidates should send an application form to, together with the following documents and information, to be submitted to the PhD program committee that either accepts or rejects the candidate for the period requested.

The application must be presented at least 3 months prior to the period requested.

Documentation required for admission:

  • Application form
  • Letter of recommendation from his/her university tutor
  • Letter of recommendation from his/her PhD program director
  • CV
  • Copy of his/her passport
  • Copy of his/her registration in the university’s PhD program
  • Proof of medical coverage
  • Certified transcript from his/her university, detailing the classes or credits passed and marks from studies carried out previously
  • Research proposal

* Specific cases of direct registration as PhD

There is a specific admission process for students who have already completed the taught part of a PhD (MRes or equivalent). In addition, for direct entry, applicants must take Esade's qualifying examinations.

Tuition Fees

Students entering the PhD directly from the MRes Program are not required to pay the registration fee (see Financing).

MRes (year 1)

Fee: €15,400

PhD (year 2,3,4)

Fee: €13,500/year

You can pay your enrollment and fees online through Flywire, our preferred payment partner. Flywire provides a secure global payment network that simplifies the payment of your fees.

More info

  • Georges Samara

    Georges Samara

    PhD in Management Sciences - 2018

    American University of Beirut - Assistant Professor

    "Why do a PhD at Esade? While many of my peers will emphasize the research skills that you acquire at Esade, my testimony will be about your life story. On our first day of class at Esade, we started by narrating our life story as an introduction to epistemology for social sciences. Doing so we were not really aware how the next couple of years at Esade were going to transform us and shape our future life stories. You start as an individual citizen from a country and join a community of researchers from all over the world who are committed to the pursuit of knowledge and a sustainable society. Diversity, freedom, and integrity: This is why you should do a PhD at Esade."

  • Mohammad Ghaderi

    Mohammad Ghaderi

    PhD in Management Sciences - 2017

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and Barcelona Graduate School of Economics - Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics and Business

    "The Esade PhD programme is truly unique of its kind due to its highly dynamic, supportive, friendly, and incredibly multicultural environment. The programme gives you the freedom to explore, and to be creative with your research. Moreover, Esade has high-profile and diverse board of faculty and PhD candidates, where everyone is very collegial and accessible and willing to listen to your ideas. Esade has helped me to grow as a researcher, and to develop strong pedagogical skills by teaching at BBA, MSc, and the prestigious Esade MBA programme"

  • Stefan Markovic

    Stefan Markovic

    PhD in Management Sciences - 2016

    Copenhagen Business School - Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing

    "The Esade PhD programme has helped me to develop qualitative and quantitative methodological skills that have allowed me to grow as a researcher and to publish in highly-regarded journals. It has provided me with the opportunity to work with multicultural and multidisciplinary scholars in a friendly and supportive environment. It has also offered me many teaching opportunities across different programmes that have enabled me to develop my pedagogical skills. All in all, I highly recommend the Esade PhD programme to all those pursuing a successful academic career in Management Sciences."