
We can help you advance your professional career

If you belong to the Esade community, Esade Careers can help you at every stage of your career to take good decisions in line with your values and your professional and personal concerns.

Career advancement is an on-going, evolving process that offers countless opportunities, lessons and experiences at each stage, so we’d like to encourage you to enjoy it and make the most of the resources and services we offer. Did you know that we use technology and big data to help our students with their career decisions?


Career plan

Online portal

Recruitment Fairs

Esade Careers in Numbers 2020 Graduates




of MBA graduates placed


of degree graduates placed


of MSc graduates placed

Recruitment fair calendar

September – October: Financial Services Recruitment Fair

The academic year starts with a fair focused on the finance industry: the perfect time of year bearing in mind the early recruitment schedules of the world’s leading finance institutions. A great fair for students taking our Master in Finance.

October: Law Recruitment Fair

The ideal event for law firms in search of talented individuals for internships and full-time positions.

October: Business & Management Recruitment Fair

The ideal event for companies in any industry to offer internships and programs for BBA, Joint Degree and MSc graduates.

October: MBA Recruitment Fair

For companies in any industry looking for MBA students or graduates.

March: Spring Fair

This broader-spectrum fair is an opportunity for companies in any industry to advertise their graduate programs and internships.